

by Jennifer L. Kerns


As a Depth psychotherapist, mentor, healer, artist, humanist, and fellow seeker, my life’s mission and deep calling is to offer healing services and educational opportunities earthed in Depth psychological and contemplative traditions fused with social justice practices that foster a remembrance of soul and the cultivation of mindfulness awareness through initiating archetypal communions with 'temenos.'


From the Jungian lens, the archetype 'temenos' is characterized as a sacred, protected, or enclosed place, internally or externally, that we retreat to for sanctuary and psychic regeneration.


Tending to the development of 'temenos' personally and collectively, we assume the psychospiritual task of becoming our own personal authority and 'calling home the pieces' that, through life circumstance, have been lost, forgotten, broken, harmed and hurt, and therefore, psychically unintegrated.

When we are exiled from states of 'temenos', this lends to the harmful conditions that create individual and systemic experiences of trauma, dis-ease, and feelings of alienation between Self and Other.

Individually, we experience estrangement from 'temenos' as symptoms or unpleasant conditions of the mind. Collectively, we experience it as disorganization, disembodiment, disconnection, technologies of control and subversion, and states of social, racial, political, and environmental unrest.

The depth psychological tradition teaches us that the pursuit of psychic Wholeness must rest on the establishment of 'temenos,' and that the cultivation and maintenance of temenos is a daily practice and a lifelong journey. 


Temenos as practice, then, is an invitation to live reflectively, with great attention and care given to our values and the deep questions around what is essential to living a meaningful life, rich in purpose and depth, and in harmony with all life.


The intention behind this initiative and my work is to support the individual and collective development of temenos in others, with others, as guides, teachers, artists and healing companions.

My personal wish is that through the continued establishment of temenos, we can offer ourselves and each other a quality of mindful presence that is deeply healing, and that this healing penetrates in waves beyond each of us and into our communities, the environment, and the soul of the world.

Thank you for taking interest in this work and the services being offered here.

I look forward to hearing from you,