How to Dance -- with Soul

Dear friends,

Have you ever seen someone dancing in a way that seemed totally effortless, and yet expressed their unique essence in a deeply beautiful way?

Maybe it was a child dancing in the sprinklers on the lawn, a man or woman letting loose in a nightclub, or a ballerina on stage in front of hundreds of people.

When we see someone dance that way, we instinctively say, “Wow, she’s got soul.”

Did you wish you could dance that way yourself? Or maybe you’ve experienced that feeling of grace and freedom before, and wish you could learn to embody it more consistently?

Since the beginning of human culture, dance has been a powerful way of expressing the soul. It’s been a part of our most ancient spiritual rituals, from the healing dance of the Kalahari Bushmen to the archetypal dramas and comedies of ancient Greece.

Dance is a way of healing, a way of relating to others and to nature, and a way of expressing your unique beauty in the world.

Do you long to connect more deeply with your body and express your soul through creative movement?

“You do not have to be good… you only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.” --Mary Oliver

Whether you’re an experienced dancer or an absolute beginner who regularly excuses yourself from the dance floor, I want to tell you about a very special class that we’ll be offering this summer as part of our #SouLabVT series of workshops.

Join Me this Summer!

In The Body EnSouled: Intimacy of Place + Insight of Motion, I’ll be teaming up with movement artist and choreographer Mia Pinheiro to facilitate your inquiry into what it means to dance with soul. 

You will learn to use the Jungian technique of Active Imagination to tap into the deep well of creativity that is your unconscious and the collective unconscious of humankind. You’ll then learn to embody your unique creative vision through movement, beginning with improvisation, choreography, and the basics of performance, and culminating in the creation of your very own piece of movement art.

Each session is designed to feed you, to provide a feast for the archetypal muse.

As a student in this course, you will:

  • Express your soul through movement with the Jungian technique of Embodied Active Imagination
  • Unleash and re-wild your body and your creative imagination with improvisation techniques
  • Get out of your head and into your body with Somatic Awareness Training
  • Connect with nature in our SECRET WORKSHOP LOCATIONS in the heart of Vermont
  • Learn to em-body your creative vision through the sacred art of choreography
  • Share your creative gifts with others through the intimate dance of collaboration
  • Develop deeper, more firmly-rooted self-confidence through personal guidance on the craft of performance

And as if that weren’t enough, you’ll also receive:

  • A Therapeutic Dreamwork session with me, Jenn Kerns, to facilitate inner healing and help unearth your deep creativity
  • A Psychotherapeutic Reiki session to dissolve energetic blockages and awaken your body to new possibilities
  • A $200 stipend to help you create your personal performance masterpiece! (Note: this stipend is only available to those students who receive funding for this course through VSAC—see below for details!)

This class will take place in weekly group sessions between the weeks of June 25th and July 30th, and continue with individual mentoring sessions through the month of August. There are a limited number of spaces available in this workshop, so if you’re interested, I encourage you to check out our webpage for the course and register now!


With love,

Jenn L. Kerns, M.A.

Founder, Temenos Vermont


“O body swayed to music, O brightening glance,

How can we know the dancer from the dance?” --W.B. Yeats


P.S. Concerned about the cost? I have amazing news for you… FULL SCHOLARSHIPS for this program are available through VSAC (the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation). Click here for more information!

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