Leadership Activation Session

Reclaim Your Sovereign Power: 90-Minute Immersions for Conscious Visionaries
For self-healers, change-makers, and leaders ready to transmute inner work into outer impact.

Your leadership isn’t just about what you do—it’s about how fully you inhabit your power. Let’s alchemize your ‘stuckness’ into a legacy that terrifies your inner critic and liberates your innate genius.
— Jenn Kerns

You’re Here Because:

  • Your inner work feels deep but directionless—like you’re healing in circles.

  • You crave a hyped-up, no-BS collaborator to mirror your power back to you.

  • Fear, self-doubt, or old stories are “clogging your soul system.”

  • You’re done playing small but need a Jungian-oriented cheerleader with clinical chops to help you embody your next chapter.

What Happens in a Session?

This isn’t “coaching.” It’s a depth dive meets pep rally where:

  • We name and shame the self-imposed limitations holding you hostage (perfectionism? people-pleasing? spiritual bypassing?).

  • You’ll reconnect with your “highest excitement”—that soul-whisper you’ve been too busy/tired/scared to fully honor.

  • We’ll co-create a playfully strategic action step (yes, just 1–3!) to catapult you from “stuck healer” to sovereign leader of your life.

Think of me as your hype-woman with a Master’s in Depth Psychology and 20+ years of clinical grit.

Why My Hype Hits Different

I blend:

  • Jungian soul-work (Pacifica Graduate Institute-trained) to decode your inner myths and track your soul’s callings.

  • CIMMHP rigor (certified via Dr. Leslie Korn) to audit nervous system blocks and barriers.

  • Buddhist-inspired fire (20+ years of retreats) to ground your vision in now.

  • Queer-affirming irreverence (my thesis degendered Jung, after all) to dismantle “shoulds.”

Translation: I’ll help you alchemize angst into action with equal parts clinical precision and spiritual audacity.

These sessions serve to pump you up in a classic “Jenn” way—leaving you encouraged, inspired, and like you busted through the fearful programming clogging your soul. Each of us came here with unique gifts to offer and a divine calling to be in service to others. Let me help you stoke your passions and align with your soul’s mission so you walk away anchored, clear, and renewed.
— Jenn Kerns

Who This Is For

You’re a visionary who’s:
Stalled in “healer mode”, struggling to channel insights into action.
Craving alignment between your soul’s calling and daily choices.
Exhausted by self-sabotage (procrastination, perfectionism, people-pleasing).
Ready to lead from radical self-trust, not old fear-based programming.

Think of this as a soul-system upgrade—Jungian depth work meets consciousness re-boot meets strategic activation.

All meaningful change requires a genuine surrender. Yet, to surrender does not simply mean to give up; more to give up one’s usual self and allow something other to enter and redeem the lesser sense of self. In surrendering, we fall to the bottom of our arguments and seek to touch the origin of our lives again. Only then can we see as we were meant to see, from the depth of the psyche where the genius resides, where the seeds of wisdom and purpose were planted before we were born.
— Michael Meade

Investment & Solidarity Pricing

90-Minute Session:

  • Solidarity Tier ($300): For those who can invest in themselves and others.

  • Sustainer Tier ($240): Standard rate for sustainable support.

  • Community Tier ($135): Prioritizing BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and marginalized leaders.

Sliding scale honors your reality, not your tax return.
Learn about tiers | Ask about pay-what-you-can (30–30–60) | Let’s connect.

All sessions are via telemedicine and can be recorded + sent to you, if desired.

Legal & Ethical Disclaimer

Please Read Before Booking

Leadership Activation Sessions are designed for educational, coaching, and personal growth purposes. They are not psychotherapy, medical advice, or a substitute for clinical mental health care, medical treatment, or crisis support.

  • For Licensed Clinical Services: If you’re seeking psychotherapy, please visit my clinical practice page.

  • Medical Concerns: Always consult a physician or licensed healthcare provider for physical/medical conditions.

  • Confidentiality: While I prioritize your privacy, coaching sessions are not protected by the same confidentiality laws as clinical psychotherapy.

By booking a session, you acknowledge that you’ve read and agree to these terms.