Do you share my longing to be part of a vibrant, soul-centered community here in Vermont?
If you’ve worked with me—Jenn Kerns—or attended events through Shanti Healing Network in the past, I have some important news to share with you…
Shanti Healing Network is no more.
While it lasted, it was a lovely community of people dedicated to healing body, mind, and soul. But as the ancient alchemists teach us, sometimes the old has to die and pass through the fires of transformation before it can emerge as something new and magical.
It’s with this in mind that I’m writing to introduce you to a new kind of soulful community, rooted in the rich soil of the Green Mountain State…
Introducing Temenos Vermont
Temenos Vermont is a community dedicated to nourishing your soul.
And we want you to be a part of this transformative new community.
If you’re serious about healing the stuck places within you, maximizing your creativity, and embodying your full potential as a human being on this Earth, you can’t do it alone. You need to be part of a community that sees you for who you are and holds you in compassion as you do the sometimes painful, sometimes joyful, always beautiful work of embodying your truth and bringing your greatest gifts into the world.
You don’t have to do anything to join—just by being on this e-mail list, you’ll receive updates about all our upcoming events.
Why Temenos?
In ancient Greece, a temenos was a sacred space dedicated to the gods. In Jungian thought, it’s also the alchemical container in which transformation can happen.
At Temenos Vermont, our mission is to create a safe, sacred space for your transformation and healing.
Our Upcoming Workshops
The part of Temenos I’m most excited about right now is our #SouLABVT workshops. SouLABVT is an alchemical laboratory where you can inquire, investigate, experiment, and play as you bring your creative vision into the world.
Here’s a quick preview of the experiences we’re offering this summer:
Music: An Experiential Approach to the Sonic Experience with Wren Kitz. As part of our Creative Concept Development program, this course will provide you with the personalized mentorship, guidance, and skills training you need to discover your own musical vision and bring it into the world.
BizLab: Essentials of Entrepreneurship + Building Your Own Business with Will Carlson. Do you have a creative vision for a soulful business you’d like to create? This course will help you connect with that vision, while providing you with the practical tools you need to make it a reality—and more than a reality, a success!
The Body Ensouled: Intimacy of Place + Insight of Motion with Mia Pinheiro and Jennifer Kerns. This unique experience combines Jungian soul work with movement and dance. Learn to express your soul through improvisational movement, choreography, and performance. By the end of this course, you will have created your very own piece of performance art, one that comes from the very depths of your being.
Alchemical Alignment: Passion Into Essence with Derek J. Smith, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Prepare for a deep dive into the waters of your psyche! In this personal mentorship, you will align yourself with your core passions and desires, and unearth the unique healing gifts you bring into the world.
Now, listen… as you read these workshop descriptions, did any of them call out to your soul? Did you feel that sweet pang of longing to bring something within you into being in the world?
In the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing more information about these exciting offerings. Until then, you can learn more by following the links in this e-mail and checking out our lovely new website. And if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to write to me! I’d love to hear from you.
Thank you for being part of our soulful community.
Jenn Kerns, M.A.
Founder, Temenos Vermont
PS: Are you looking to deepen your healing journey into Reiki? I am currently accepting new and returning students for first and second-degree Reiki trainings this summer. E-mail me if you’re interested!